#WCW Amy Visser
This weeks woman crush Wednesday feature goes out to the beautiful and talented Amy Visser! I met amy at a Networking event in my local community and have stayed connected with her ever since. This woman inspires me to serve my clients and customers with great gratitude as she continues to shower me in thanks throughout out business relationship together. Outside of her Stella and Dot hustle, she has styled many wedding parties into gorgeous goddesses and her shinning light pours into her work. For your weekly dose of light and inspiration in the world of women in business and beauty, here’s Amy:
My name is Amy Visser, I am 37 years old and I am a professional, fully licensed hair stylist who specializes in wedding hair. I work with an extremely talented makeup artist and we are partners in an On Location Wedding Hair and Makeup business. I also manage my at home salon studio, and to add to the entrepreneurial platter, I am an independent stylist for Stella and Dot (sales in boutique accessories and clothing). I am a wife (happily married 14 years this October), and a mother to two girls ages 5 and almost 4.
1. What is the driving force behind what you do? What is your WHY, why are you in business?
Pure Passion! I absolutely love being creative, learning new things, and setting goals for myself. My family has become my WHY! Raising two daughters along side my wonderful husband is something I don’t take lightly. Following your dreams/giftings is SO rewarding. When I work, it never feels like “work” it’s just a pleasure to be involved. I want to teach my daughters that. Being thankful for the gifts you have been given and using them to their fullest. Live your full potential! The ripple effect that can bring is awesome. It’s contagious! Many say to me, “Amy, you are always so happy”! Do what you LOVE, do what brings you JOY, the rest flows from there.
2. What advice do you have for women who want to make an impact but don’t know how to get started?
Patience and consistency! Start up in any business is always hard work. All good things require work and dedication… the cliche “Rome wasn’t built in a day” comes to mind. In anything there is always a learning curve, hard work, patience and consistency is key. Did you know that we are not born with patience…. it is a learned behaviour and it is one of the reasons most people give up on their goals/dreams. But remember those seeds planted in the beginning do GROW but they require light and water. Fuel yourself with encouraging people, post sticky notes to cheer yourself on, and persevere. Take care of yourself to ensure there is no burn out. Remember your WHY!
3. Who inspires you? If you had the opportunity to have tea with your biggest inspiration, who would it be?
There are a few celebrity hairstylists that I follow on Instagram which I enjoy seeing their work and following their travels. When I was younger I always wanted to be a hairstylist for the celebrities. I thought those stylists had the coolest job and I thought that fame and my name in the credits would be so amazing. I would probably ask them what it’s like, or how did they get there? Perhaps I would want to know if it was “who” they knew that got them to that elite job or if they literally were in the right place at the right time. But honestly that doesn’t fuel my jet anymore. The thought of constant travel following a celeb and being away from my family wouldn’t make me happy. I’d much rather be where I am, an entrepreneur experiencing the joy and contentment I have with my work/family balance. Finding an awesome groove that still connects me to my passion/talents yet allows me to enjoy the many blessings of family time and togetherness is everything to me.
As for my cup of tea…..Can I have tea with Jesus?! I would like to say thank you for setting the example of living a perfect life. Jesus was one who inspired because he walked in perfect love. If I can be more like that…. the rest will flow into place 🙂
Thank you Amy, for shining your beautiful light. I look forward to working with you in future and can’t wait to see all of your beautiful bridal parties coming up this wedding season!
For all things health, wellness, happiness and freedom, subscribe to my newsletter and stay connected! XOXO
Love and Light,
Sophia V
Amy Visser
Thanks so much for the feature Sophia!
I’m honoured to be a part of your #WCW on your blog. I wish you much delight in your business journey and that you grow in your business and as an entrepreneur. I trust your passion, and positive attitude will shine through all you put your stamp on. I know you will be looking fabulous along the way with all of your Stella and Dot accessories purchased from my personal e boutique. <3 Thank you for also trusting me with your wedding hair. You were such a vision on your wedding day!
Thanks for being YOU and always being genuine.