Setting Yourself up for Success
Success means something different to all of us and we all have our own individual ideas of what living a successful life looks like. Ultimately, success is the accomplishment of a desired purpose or aim, and since every person is a unique individual, the beauty of success can manifest in an infinite number of ways. We all have our unique goals, aims, purpose and desires in life. In fact, I submit that it is our life’s purpose to fulfill our desired goals, and spend our time here on earth working towards creating whatever it is that success means to each of us. As 2019 begins a new year for us, we are given the opportunity to reflect back on what it is that we are working towards, and once again clarify our goals, desires and our idea of what success looks like and how we are going to accomplish it for ourselves. Often our ideas change, or we get clarity on what we truly want in life as our lives evolve. By looking back at our previous year, we are able to acknowledge all that happened for us, and the areas in our lives that we either struggled or excelled in. This new year gives us the chance to recognize what works well, and what hasn’t worked in our past approaches to our success.
With a whole new year on the horizon, a new chapter, and 365 brand new opportunities to succeed, we are given the opportunity to set our intentions, specify our goals and clarify our desires for what we want to create both in 2019 and the rest of our lives moving forward. Start the year by setting your goals, intentions and what you want to achieve by the end of 2019, and then create an action plan for how you will achieve these goals and what you are willing to do to reach them. Getting really clear on your intentions and desires and creating a solid action plan sets you up for a year of focused action so that you are not left “hoping” for your goals to come true, instead knowing what it is going to take to turn your dreams into your reality.
Visualising the reality you wish to create allows you to live as if it is already your reality. When your goals are clear, and you can visualise EXACTLY what you wish to create and achieve, the universe or higher powers are able to support you and your goals. Remember, at all times the universe has your back. When you can live as if your goals are already your reality, your perspective will shift and you will act as if you’ve already achieved your goals.
Set yourself up for a successful year by taking some time and setting some goals and intentions by breaking them down into a few categories: lifestyle, health, creativity and learning, relationships, spirituality. Whatever it is that your working towards in life, business and health, clear goals will allow you to set the direction you take your life, day by day. Every decision we make leads us either towards or away from our goals. When we are able to visualize our goals as our reality, it gives us the chance to consider our options when making daily decisions, what to put into our bodies, how to spend our time and how to prioritize our schedules, and what direction we want to go towards. Small deliberate actions, turning the mundane daily events into goal driven actions inspired by your true desires creates a life you love. Review your goals, aims, intentions and desires you have set for the year ahead and find a common theme, a trend that ties it all together and sets a goal for your year. Let this word by your WHY. Your WHY for your year. This becomes the reason behind every decision you make, knowing that it will lead you in the direction of success. Why you are doing what you do becomes the reason you get out of bed each morning. My WHY for 2019 ultimately comes down to my legacy, and what I want to leave behind, for my family, my community and planet earth. My life’s desires include creating a lifestyle that allows me to travel more and show my children the life changing benefits of world travel, to have an impact on the western medical system, to be present in my approach to parenting and be home while my children are growing up, and to make health a priority and live a happy, healthy life. The time I have spent nursing, and working with sick patients has taught me more than I could have imagined and ultimately shaped my desires for success. I went into Nursing school believing that I could contribute to improving the current medical system and the way it operates, however I left nursing school feeling completely defeated. I was ready to quit before I had even really begun my career. My perspective started to shift and I realized that you cannot contribute to changing a system that you are not part of and you cannot create change from the outside. I realized that if I wanted to make change and contribute to a better health care system, I needed to participate from within. My work in holistic healing comes from a deeply rooted desire to help people heal their own lives, minds, bodies and souls before they end up requiring medical treatment, and ultimately for people to take responsibility for their own health.
My approach to creating this shift is to provide a vehicle for other holistic healers, enabling them to provide their services and encourage health and healing. Essentially my aim is to become a leader for other women who provide health care services and allow them to create the abundance they require to be successful, and therefor start to shift the overall health of our society.
My intentions for 2019 and what I’m ready to create includes Abundance and Prosperity; Happiness, Peace and Joy, Health and freedom. I have spent the last few years working towards a call to action in the space of wellness, entrepreneurs and leadership and I am excited to share this journey ahead with all of you.
Whatever goals you have set for your year ahead, know that visualization and affirmations are positive tools you can use to create more of what you desire. In the hype of the new year, this time can be very overwhelming in the amount of pressure we put on ourselves to achieve the perfect year, and getting started on the right track. Start by simplifying your approach. An easy and simple way to fast track your success is to book end your days. Start and end each day by focusing your mindset. Each morning spend a few moments journaling and writing down on paper three things you are grateful for, and what you already have in your life that has brought you to where you are today. Write down what would make your day great, and your actions for the day that lead you towards your goals. Before getting into bed, acknowledge what was amazing about your day, what went well and what you can improve the next day, what you are grateful for. Apply this practice of reviewing the past to aide in setting clear intentions for the time to come to each day, week and month. Review what you have accomplished so far, what is working well, what you need to adjust and improve and what you are grateful for. Each week set your goals for the week ahead and how you want to finish your week to get closer to your goal.
A positive mindset will create positive dialogue and attract positivity into your life. With a clear vision of your desires, what you are aiming towards and why, positive affirmations and visualizing your dreams as your reality, you are setting yourself up for an amazing year, and future to come. Celebrate what has brought you this far and ignite your soul for what is to come! For all things health, wellness, happiness and freedom, subscribe to my newsletter and stay connected! XOXO
Love and Light,
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